Monday, March 21, 2011

How to Defeat The Thextera in Final Fantasy Xii And Final Fantasy Xiii Final Boss Guide – Orphan First Form

How to defeat the Thextera in Final Fantasy XIIi

The Thextera is a Rank I mark that has been posted by Gatsly, who can  be found in the Sandsea Tavern in Rabanastre. It can be found in the  Dalmasca Westersands, specifically in the Galtea Downs area. When you  enter the Westersands, just follow the wall on the left hand side until  you find the Thextera – it shouldn’t take too long.
You have the possiblity of stealing one of three things from the Thextera – Pebble, Potion, or Wolf Pelt.
This fight is significantly harder than the Rogue Tomato hunt, so  don’t get overconfident if you found it easy to defeat the Rogue Tomato.  First of all, the Thextera has help from other wolves, so you could  find yourself getting battered by another couple of wolves before you  can even start on the Thextera. Because of this, I recommend that you  only attempt this mark hunt when you get to around Level 4 or 5.
Before the fight, make sure that you stock up on potions and  antidotes – you’re going to need them. Try to always keep your HP  (health points) above 100, just to be on the safe side – the Thextera  has a very strong “Lunge” attack, and I’ve had this do up to 60HP damage  to me, and then if you haven’t got rid of the other wolves already,  they’ll attack before you can heal yourself, and you’re dead. Other than  that, the Thextera will do about 20HP damage with each hit, if you’ve  got the default armour.
So it’s very important that you kill off the other wolves first,  before going for the Thextera. Once you’ve done that, you can start on  the Thextera itself. If you get poisoned by one of its attacks, use an  antidote to cure this. The Thextera actually attacks faster than you do,  so be careful of this. If you need to heal, start running away because  otherwise the Thextera will attack you again before you can do this. In  fact, it might be a good idea to run around until your attack timer bar  has filled up.
When the Thextera gets down into critical HP, it will “Cry For Help” -  basically, it will summon more wolves to help it. So just get rid of  these wolves and then go back and focus on the Thextera again. Just use  potions/Cure and antidotes when necessary, and you should get through  the fight without too many difficulties. If you’ve got the spell, I  think you can stop it summoning the wolves by using Silence.
The other option with this fight is to wait until you have Penelo in  your party. With her on your side, this fight becomes much easier. Just  follow the same advice as if you were alone, but the Thextera will go  down a lot quicker. However, you’ve got to make sure Penelo stays alive  too, but that isn’t too hard as she will generally use a potion on  herself when necessary.
When you’ve defeated the Thextera, go back to Gatsly in the Sandsea  and get your reward of 500 gil, Headguard, and a Teleport Stone.
Final Fantasy Xiii Final Boss Guide – Orphan First Form
Let me say one thing now. Characters that do not have the reprieve  skill will be sorely tested here. You NEED that skill, or very high HP  to survive Orphan’s Merciless Judgement attack- which he’s kind enough  to show you right of the bat.
As soon as this attack resolves, go right into your most defensive  healing paradigm. Combat clinic is a good one, as it well help you  survive any follow up attacks. Once everyone’s back in the green, it’s  time to strike back!
Start off by buffing your party to hell and back. You need everything  you can muster here, switch to healing and back to buff if that’s what  it takes, but make sure you have at least shell, protect, haste, faith  and bravery. You can actually debuff Orphan with imperil, deshell and  deprotect too. If you can pull it off, this will make the fight much  shorter, but Orphan has very high resistances so don’t waste time trying  to do it over and over again.
To go on the offensive, build Orphan’s chain gauge with relentless  assault, switching to diversity if (when) you need to heal up. Once the  chain gauge is full, switch to tri disaster for maximum impact, unless  you have a very powerful commando, and/or deprotect on Orphan, at which  point relentless assault will serve you well. Remember, always end a  stagger with the 5 ATB segment super attack!
Staggering Orphan isn’t hard, except he can clear his chain gauge, as I will discuss in a moment.
The basics of this battle are simple. Keep the buffs up, keep your  health above about 75%, and remember that you need to be aggressive to  win- you can’t defend your way to victory!
Of course, it’s not quite that simple, so let’s take a look at what  Orphan can throw at you over the course of this battle. Firstly, he  alternates between two forms, consummate light and consummate darkness.  Each time he switches he uses the aforementioned merciless judgement  attack. Priority one there is to go into combat clinic, or whatever  healing paradigm you like (I use protection myself, to take the chance  to re buff). In the second mode, Orphan can heal himself.
Later in the battle, Orphan will adopt both stances at once, healing  and attacking at the same time! Just keep your attacks up though and the  healing should prove to be a minor annoyance. Once orphan does this,  Merciless judgment comes in at random, so pay special attention to  keeping your party fighting fit. Diversity will help greatly.
Orphan has a few other attacks, but none are very nasty. There is one  which can poison and silence your entire party, but a dispelga can help  there. I know it gets rid of your buffs, but trust me- needing to  rebuff is better than being spelless!
Progential wrath can cause you some very nasty problems as it has a  chance of insantly killing the person it hits. Of course, if this is  your party leader then Orphan wins instantly! many of the comments below  will help you in defending your party leader from the death effect, but  I prefer to just power through- as you can see in my video review.So keep everyone’s HP in the green, go full offence when you can, and  try to maintain your buffs. Go hell for leather when you stagger  Orphan, and you should win out fine. On a final note, Orphan will not  attack while staggered, so if you’re in bad shape or your buffs are  running out, you may want to pass up the opportunity for damage to heal  your party instead.

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