Friday, April 8, 2011

Final Fantasy XIII Versus Not "On Hold" News

Game of Final Fantasy XIII Lightning
Square-Enix confirms to TVG that both Final Fantasy XIII and Versus are continuing as originally scheduled...

Earlier reports that Final Fantasy XIII Versus has been put on hold appear to be a little wide of the mark, with a Square-Enix representative confirming to TVG that development for both titles is continuing as originally scheduled.
Speaking to TVG, Square-Enix's Alex Huhtala confirmed that some team members from the Versus team have been helping with the XIII team, but only when they're free to do so.

Despite claims that the reports stem from Famitsu, the Japanese magazine recently unveiled details of a Square-Enix event taking place later in the year in which both Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII: Versus are scheduled to appear.

Game of Final Fantasy XIII Lightning1

As a fan of final fantasy since i can remember if the old format of world exploration some variation of turn based battle system with ability to control other party characters, airship, moogles,chocobos, mini-games, storyline, summons/espers, older setting, side-quests, and so on are not available in game,but only as DLC as much as it hurts to say I will no longer buy a ff title. I was willing to give 13 a chance i painfully and forcefully pushed through about 30 hours of gameplay and finally gave up on it. If people want these modernistic, linear, choice changing, action rpgs make them but PLEASE don't label it FINAL FANTASY! I really hope they find the time and ability to create graphically a new generation of old style ff. All the things that made ff, final fantasy is no longer there in 13. I only they go back their roots and what ff was, unique and massive.Final Fantasy XIII Landscape in Game

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